TPE Member Turbulence Big 109 Win Hand History Review (Part 1)
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32 Responses to “TPE Member Turbulence Big 109 Win Hand History Review (Part 1)”

  1. mickman

    Good video fellas, i think this leak finder format is really good. At 23mins when we cold call SB QTdd, i know you both elude to the fact that calling preflop against the nit is a mistake. Once we call tho, shouldn’t we check-raise flop and play for stacks. The effective stack is only 33BB so worst case scenario is we lose 33BB if we run into a big hand and miss our draw.
    We get pretty much the best possible flop, surely there flopping a flush draw is better than flopping Queen or Ten high against that villain, in those postitions and then having to call down.
    I think we should play that spot much more aggressively, as we get a great flop and then just take the really passive line of check-call flop, check-fold turn and never gave ourselves a chance to win the pot.

  2. Turbulence

    Granted this is the kind of flop I’m looking for in this spot but if I c/r here he is going to put a large weighting on me having a FD and may well just flat behind giving me an awkward turn spot when I whiff.

    had the flop given me additional outs such as str8 outs then I’m c/r’ing much more often. Also, I may have taken a more aggresive line on the turn had I picked up more equity.

    I had a good stack at this point and felt I was picking up chips in much lower varience spots that I didnt need to risk 1/3 of my stack in this spot so gave it up.

  3. mickman

    Hey bud, we have almost 140BBs so worse case scenario we lose and still have over 100 bigs. I agree maybe it won’t be hard for him to ‘put you on a draw’ but i think once we call preflop and stacks sizes are like that then we should just go with it, we will still be really healthy if we lose.
    When we check-call flop there i think it’s going to be really hard to get paid even if we turn the flush.

  4. 27flash13

    very informative commentary, as seems to be the case with all the vids I’ve watched so far -have been enjoying my first days on TPE. ..keep up the good work, learning a ton: looking forward to Part 2. good thing I’m not busy in the winter, because this is addictive!!

  5. Richard

    Haha nah not being sarcastic, I just like the way English accents sound :P. I have an American accent myself which sucks :(.

    Nice vid btw, look forward to future parts!!

  6. hopeletron

    Hey guys,

    Great video..I am sure I will learn a lot from it…great job on winning the 109 turb..

    its great seeing a member do really good.

  7. GaryLQ

    Shaping up to be a great series. These hand-histories with 2 guys discussing the action (including the player involved) work really well, much better than having a single narrator.

  8. duggs

    great vid, really enjoyed it, few hands i had questions about,
    preflop sizing when stacks are deeper, do you not prefer a 3x compared with a 2.15x? for example the first hand with KQhh i think 3xing and making our flop bet bigger is better since his calling range will be largely inelastic.

    I agree with Chris regarding betting turn in the Q8 hand as we can get so much value from 3 streets v 10x, also there are some unhelpful river cards that may kill our action somewhat.

    the 77 v A7hh hand is a cooler, but do you guys think he is actually setmining or is fishy passive and will just not fold and happened to flop a set, cause i think that should affect our 3bet range as it changes from a bluff weighted range to a very wide value range?

  9. duggs

    i think that the lack of percieved fold equity weights our action steadily towards c/c rather than c/r as we are only really folding out infrequent overcards that may shut down on alot of turns, and getting it in v a bunch of overpairs,

  10. duggs

    it just occurred to me that i didnt use time stamps,
    KQhh and Q8 both occur just after the introduction so around 4min onwards
    and A7hh occurs at 30min

    really looking forward to the rest of the series

  11. MovesLikeDarvin

    1) regarding preflop sizing, even with 150bb stacks pre ante im generally making it 2.25-2.5x depending on position. have been experimenting with this more lately. 3xing still feels dirty unless theres a limper or some other factor. but i dont think its bad if youre doing it super deep

    2)yes, youll see other hands down the line with that specific villain that actually confirm what we think about him.

  12. duggs

    yea i generally do it until it becomes easy to get stacks in. and i generally cbet bigger and barrel bigger the deeper eff stacks.

    misclick 4star

  13. CAT70K

    If you could add the BB’s to your hud it would make it much easier to follow in the replayer. A lot of the time you are talking about post flop and it is hard to work out what everyone stack is in BB’s, especially as the top of the replayer is also cut off.

    Other than that great vid, looking forward to the rest of the series.

  14. Jon_Allan

    Good video, thanks guys.
    +1 for having BBs shown in HUD.
    Also M as suggested near the start would be nice.
    Furthermore I’d suggest use of the “Use stats up to day of hand” setting in the replayer’s options.

  15. Jon_Allan

    I take back the “Use stats up to day of hand” – must be just that, DAY. Maybe HM could fix this to “Use stats up to hand”…

  16. Uhlenasdf

    When you squeeze the AKo vs the other bigstack at around 40 mins… Why do you make it so big? It in my opinion kinda reveals your hand, cause you are basically saying “I’m gonna call the two shorter stacks”. The other bigstack is gonna be hesitant enough flatting you even if you make it only like 1400 or whatever, since the two guys behind him might shove. Making it 1400 also:

    1. gives him more room to make a play on you, 4-betbluffing etc.

    2. Gives the two shorter stacks perceived FE, thinking you might 3b-fold against them.

    3. It’s not likely the two shorter stacks are gonna flat 1k more, with only 5k behind anyways.


  17. Turbulence

    I understand where you are going with this and your reasoning is good. I made it the size I purely because of the fact that there are already 3 people in the pot and I will be OOP if flatted. If I make it 1400 and the opener decides to flat, I am fairly sure at least one of the shorties will decide they are priced in to see a flop, then it gets awkward for me. I also think the slightly bigger sizing can be percieved as more bluffy (like I just want to squeeze and take it down). OOP I am more than happy to take a reasonable pot down pre.

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