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Well, we got off to a fast start with the house racking up 5 cashes in as many days, including a FT for Danny and a 14th place finish for myself. Bigdog and 2 cashes and Marc had one as well. Confidence was high and everyone felt they were playing really really well. Variance has not been our friend since then though. Bigdog has accumulated some nice stacks only to find himself out before the money. Danny and I both busted at the very end of the night of the WSOP $1500 that is wrapping up today. I stone bubbled a small field $215 Grand Series of Poker tournament and Marc has lost a couple of crucial hands where he got it in good and would have had tons of chips.

All that being said, everyone is playing great and in good spirits. We just need to keep on grinding and variance will swing back our way soon enough. Marc and Casey are both playing the $1500 WSOP Shootout today, so hopefully they can both make nice runs in that. I had the pleasure of playing the Venetian $400 with HawkeyeK9 today. I was controlling the table nicely, but our table was pretty crazy with several guys playing it like a rebuy (since it basically is). I could not lay down top pair against a maniac and he had me outkicked by one. That left me back around a starting stack. I opened JJ to 450. Player on my left flats. Aggro kid in the BB (I think) raises to something like 1200. I make it 3100 bad guy FLATS (lol) and agrro guy shoves. I think for a minute and decide I can’t fold JJ the way this table has been playing so I pile and the bad guy CALLS. Bad guy turns over TT and aggro kid turns over AK. K on the flop and im out where I would have had heaps.

I decided to reenter and very shortly thereafter ran QQ in to KK in a pretty standard spot.

So I’m back at the house, just cooked up a a pizza and am about to crack open one of the beers that Praetor brewed for us. Thank you sir! I need it today!

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