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I have a few minutes and I thought I would hop in and write a little bit. Last night was an off night for me so I didn't get a chance to play, but I was sneaking in a little reading. I purchased a little while back Jeff Hwang's 3 Volume set on Advanced PLO play to work my way through and see if I could develop my skill in the game and pick up new concepts. I have nearly finished Volume 1 which has been a bit of a challenge as I haven't had the time I wish to dedicate to it. That being said I am going to go back and re-read it as I think the gaps have been big enough that it is a bit of a wasted effort. Hopefully round 2 is more successful than round 1. I spent some time a little while ago talking with Wein about poker books and reading on the game and he had a pretty interesting thought that hadn't occured to me. He mentioned that he didn't like a lot of the books because by the time they hit the press the game had moved on (at least referencing books on more advanced play). I have to say that I agree with him, however that discussion was pre-BF so now I am staring at my library thinking that potentially it just because a whole lot more relevant once again. BF seems to have reset the game a bit back to the start of the boom time, so I am wondering if the written word on the subject has become a lot more valuable? It is an interesting question, I guess time will tell, but make up your own mind on the subject I guess is my best advice. I am a bit of a nerd to say the least and I crave knowledge so I tend to look for anything my brain can grab onto and digest it, even if I think it is outdated. If it can help me recognize what someone else is doing or shed some insight into an opponents thinking then I believe it is worth it. I guess context is everything. If I am reading to improve my own game I best be careful (i.e. my current PLO readings), but if I am reading to understand how others may play and react, there could be more value there. Another question for the ages I guess and one that time will answer for me. I have a pretty quiet weekend planned for myself, that I have so say I am looking forward too. I am planning some Saturday and Sunday evening sessions which will surely include some tourney selection (including my favorite PL HA tourney). I am playing a little home game at the firehouse tonight which is a monthly affair, isn't anything serious, mostly just beer and hanging out. Next week I am on the road for work and won't be near anything live so I am going to lug the laptop so at the very least I can chill in the hotel in the evening and grind out some sessions. Two weeks I am preparing to go to Denver for a week on business and am eagerly looking forward to checking out the casinos in Black Hawk, CO. Going to try to shoot over to where the HPT plays (the Golden Gate I think) and see if I can sneak in some $1/$2 for the week when I'm done for the day. Other than that not much else is happening. I'll try to sneak in a post over the weekend, but probably won't get a chance till Monday so have to save up all the happenings till then. Check out the Sweat thread, hopefully you can come spend some time with the Gman deep in a tourney. Till then, this is the Gman signing out!

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