Hi guys,
I just purchased my first Heads Up Display :). Since I run a Mac I chose Poker CoPilot and I have been nothing but impressed so far.
There are so many great things about this program I don't know where to begin. I highly recommend it if you are a Mac user and are looking for a native Heads Up Display. I have provided the link below.
It will take some time to adjust and really get the most out of the HUD though. It's one thing to see all these stats and numbers on your screen but another to actually understand what they mean and how to play accordingly. So far, with my very limited exposure to HUD's, the program has already helped me pick out the rocks from the fish at my tables. I am looking forward to educating myself on the in's and out's of HUD's over the Christmas break and getting the most out of it.
cheers and have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!